Use ui-router Even if You Aren’t Routing

You should be using ui-router to organize your AngularJS application’s UI, even if you do not expose corresponding URLs. The name ui-router is misleading: its real power is organizing your UI into named, nested, or parallel views. The state concept offers a higher-level alternative to using ng-include and ng-controller, and is more suited to modeling large areas of the UI than custom directives.

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3DS Max to ThreeJS Workflow

Getting a fully-textured model into three.js from 3DS Max is not particularly easy when you first get started. The basic process involves exporting to a commonly used format that has a corresponding loader. Often, you’ll want to export lights and cameras in addition to your model, so you may try exporting to Collada (DAE) format. However, as of r70, the DAE importer for three.js is not particularly stable. I had the most luck exporting to OBJ, which is a much simpler format. Continue reading

Deploying Qt Applications on Windows

Windows users should have to perform 4 steps if they want to use my Qt desktop program.

  1. Install the MSVC redistributable package.
  2. Download a zip file from my website.
  3. Extract the zip file.
  4. Double-click the executable.

I make no assumptions about what is already installed on their machines. I can use an installer to remove the burden of installing the MSVC package, but for now I’ll do this manually.

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